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Unfortunately, many investors

The forex market is one where you can get high returns as well as large losses, that is why, before making an investment, you should be educated properly in order to invest successfully.

Unfortunately, many investors enter this market without obtaining the necessary training due to their lack of experience. That's why it became necessary for the existence of forex funds that are supported by experts in forex investors and help investors to obtain high yields. As a result there is no need to have expertise in investments in order to obtain high yields, the proceeds are split between the company and its investors. These give higher yields in comparison to those who give to the banks, this is because the forex through the existence of leverage can win (or lose) more money in comparison to other investment options.

Some recommendations: Forex Investment Fund Review

Sustainable yield would say between 10 to 20% if yields are higher then it is not recommended to invest much money as it is not a sustainable yield and higher return the higher the risk. Do not get carried away by ambition, compare service, legality, performance, support, etc, to determine it is advisable to invest, try and get from either the company before making a large investment. Do not invest money you can not afford to lose, not to risk his assets, only invertebrates that do not need that money in the short term. Diversify their investments in order to reduce the risk, so if any of them will continue to fail in winning the final but had lost you would win. Reach out to people who can advise you properly, it would be more advisable to approach people who have already invested in several companies so that you can give a better sense, yet not satisfied with one opinion, investigate more. Forex Investment Fund Review

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J.M. Hurst Cycle Trading Without the Rocket Math


Wouldn't you like to have a trading assistant that told you where the market was going and which side of the market you should be on?

Wouldn't it be even better if your trading assistant spoke clearly and directly and didn't always hedge his price and time forecasts? Wouldn't it be better still if he performed reliably in all markets and in all time frames exactly the same way?


We look for the hidden keystone of knowledge that makes the complex work of genius pioneers like W.D. Gann, R.N. Elliott and J.M. Hurst usable and reliable even if they never consciously intended it quite the same way. We believe that we have accomplished that with J.M. Hurst who established his place in trading history many years ago with his original work, The Profit Magic of Stock Transaction Timing.

The full implementation of Hurst's work is not for the mathematically challenged (as we were). We got his book in 1982 and spent months getting through it so that we could do his Fourier and digital filters, and print his cycle charts onto a dot matrix printer complete with envelopes and inverse averages. It doesn't seem that long ago, but if you wanted to test with historical data then you needed a room full of Barrons and the WSJ.


Dot matrix printers were not fast. They were, however, like watching an eight inch wide charting ticker tape go through time. The more charts we watched while they were printing the more we began to notice a dynamic process going on that was much more powerful and so much easier to visualize than trying to keep track of dates, periodicities and the possibly contradictory effects of half a dozen different cycles. After a while, just by watching Hurst's special moving averages interact with each other, you could tell when price would stall or reverse on the dot matrix chart before it happened. And happen it did. Time after time after time.

J.M. Hurst revealed the essential elements of this kernel of knowledge that allows anybody with many of the commercial stock trading programs to make consistent and reliable price and time projections for stocks, stock indexes, forex, and futures in any time frame. You can accomplish the same results in Excel. So far as we know the actual steps to take to apply the price and time forecasting technique that we fully disclose in our ebook is not available from any other source, including Hurst's own original work.


The most surprising thing about our adaptation of Hurst's displaced moving average technique is that you don't have to spend any time doing tedious cycle analysis. Just click on a few bar highs or lows in the training software to get an idea of what periodicity is driving the trend and determine the best displaced moving average set with your eyeballs in the chart window. This becomes second nature after a few tries.

Some people can visualize spatial relationships better than others. If you're one of the lucky ones this can be like looking at a treasure map because the interaction of the displaced averages will form an unmistakable pattern. The key is not cycles but the cyclical symmetry displayed in the averages, and that becomes clear enough after short use.

This ebook has plenty of illustrated charts and shows you everything you need to know to apply our adaptation of J.M. Hurst's displaced moving average technique to consistently and reliably project price and time turning points in the financial markets. We consider this ebook a perfect complement to the Square of Nine techniques because each method provides unique price and time projections by completely independent methods.

Just like a good trading assistant our Hurst method will not get in the way of the Technical Analysis you do normally, or take away extra time to learn a complex method or interpret ambiguous results.

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